If you want to break into Investment Banking, you need to listen to bankers. But not all bankers are willing to tell you their success stories. So here comes this website - Investment Banking Resumes.
Stop writing resumes the traditional way. There are tons of resume writing tips over the internet. It’s time consuming and even confusing in looking for right tips that are right for you. That was the reason why I set up my blog four years ago – a blog tailored for young bankers and undergraduates who aim to build an investment banking career.
As a professional IB headhunter, I am not going to tell you general guidelines of resume writing, but things that hiring managers are actually looking for in the real world of investment banking. Why Investment Banking?
Monetary rewards. Across the globe, most fresh graduate top earners work for investment banks. How much a young banker can make? Well, one of my hedge fund manager candidates made US$4 million at the age of 29.
How senior can a young investment banker be? Well, Anthony Clake became the partner of Marshall Wace, a UK hedge fund, at the age of 25.
While you admire Wall Street CEOs receiving fat pay checks, there are young bankers making huge income silently and of course taking less responsibilities comparing to a CEO. In some cases, top bankers earned even more than their chief executives.
Do you want to be a successful young investment banker? If so, go through this website and craft your compelling investment banking resume as quickly as you can.
Anna Maria D'Souza
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Inside Investment Banking - Authored by 5 Red Bull fueled bankers who all broke into investment banking in 2008/9 without Harvard or Goldman on their resumes. What made them successful was Preparation and Knowledge. Visit their website and they are willing to show you exactly how to break into investment banking.
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